Getting message:TPXL5501 XCF Connect - Group=xxxx Member=yyyyyyyy Rc=00000016 Rsn=00000031when trying to run TPX as 'Generic Resource'
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Getting message:TPXL5501 XCF Connect - Group=xxxx Member=yyyyyyyy Rc=00000016 Rsn=00000031when trying to run TPX as 'Generic Resource'


Article ID: 11239


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


When attempting to run TPX as a 'Generic Resource' results in 'Sysplex Services' disabled.
The TPXLOG shows message:

TPXL5501 XCF Connect - Group=xxxx Member=yyyyyyyy Rc=00000016 Rsn=00000031


TPX running as a Generic Resource / coupling Facility


The TPXL5501 message with this specific return and reason codes indicates that TPX could not access module LXCFMAIN which is part of CA Common Services (formerly CA90s).

This is an informative message to confirm the status of connecting to XCF at startup.

The module LXCFMAIN is normally in LINKLIST concatenation. If missing,  use STEPLIB to pull in this module at TPX startup.