What is significance of WebFortpool.TestOnBorrow parameter in arcotafm.properties?
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What is significance of WebFortpool.TestOnBorrow parameter in arcotafm.properties?


Article ID: 112367


Updated On: 11-21-2023


CA Advanced Authentication CA Strong Authentication CA Risk Authentication


Configuring for a connection pool validation in CA Strong Authentication's AFM component when making every new connection to Webfort. If the TestOnBorrow=True is set then every connection that is borrowed from a pool is tested. 

What is significance of  "WebFortpool.TestOnBorrow"  parameter in AFM ? 


Arcot Flow Manager server communicating with Webfort server

Strong Authentication


TestOnBorrow when set as true via arcotafm.properties, AFM when making a connection with CA Strong Authentication Server will reach out to the CA Strong Authentication Server's connection pool to get a connection. This connection will be tested first, if it fails then the corrupted pool is destroyed and a new connection pool will be created. If the TestOnBorrow is set to false then the connection is not tested . This validation and recreating of a new pool leads to robust tested connections being used but such validation will add to some processing overhead.


Additional Information

More information can be found here related to this parameter.
