API Portal 4.x , 5.x does not come up after a power outage and restart.
The below errors are found in the portal logs:
| 2018-08-20 15:56:13.854 WARN [tenant-provisioning-service,,,] 9 --- [ main] c.c.a.p.tenant.config.LiquibaseConfig : Failed to get DB connection on attempt 0 of 5 [An attempt by a client to checkout a Connection has timed out.], retrying in 5s
| 2018-08-20 15:56:20.318 INFO [tenant-provisioning-service,,,] 9 --- [ main] liquibase : Waiting for changelog lock....
portal_tenant-provisioner.1.8g24zxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
On a powerdown and restore or update the database log lock status can be in set in an unavailable state.
The portal documentation :