TPX supports several languages beside English. This document describes what is needed to do in order to use the panels for other languages.
How can I use panels in other languages for CA-TPX?
TPX supports several languages beside English. The Panel definitions for all languages are found in PANELxx libraries, where xx is one of the following two-character language identifiers:
Identifier Language
BF Belgium French
BP Brazilian Portuguese
DA Danish
DU Dutch
EN English
FI Finnish
FR French
GE German
IT Italian
JP Japanese
NO Norwegian
SF Swiss French
SG Swiss German
SP Spanish
SW Swedish
UP Upper Case English
The member 'hlq.CB0VJCL(INSTPNLS)' contains the JCL to install panel libraries. Before submitting this Job follow the instructions documented at the beginning of that Job:
In the TPX-Startjob you need to add the libraries downloaded from tape to the PANELS DD-Card. Here the German and French panels are added:
The default language for users is set in the 6th panel of SMRT. This value can be overwritten by a Profile or in User Settings.