WCC and AE - Agent Inventory refresh interval
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WCC and AE - Agent Inventory refresh interval


Article ID: 112190


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


Agent Inventory is refreshing every 1-2min in the autosys log

[08/27/2018 07:35:15]      CAUAJM_I_80021 The agent inventory service has evaluated the statuses of 3,025 machine(s) in 61.613 seconds.
[08/27/2018 07:37:17]      CAUAJM_I_80021 The agent inventory service has evaluated the statuses of 3,025 machine(s) in 61.662 seconds.

However, in the config of the Agent inventory the settings are at 300 seconds (5min).  
Is there a way to configure this evaluation to be longer than 1-2min?


Workload Automation AutoSys All Supported releases


The time interval (in minutes) between status polls that the scheduler waits before polling all the agents can be configured.
On UNIX, the setting is AgentStatusPollInterval.
It is found in the file $AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV
On Windows, the file setting can be found in %AUTOUSER%/config.%AUTOSERV%.
It can also be found in the CA Workload Automation AE Administrator window of the Administrator utility.
See: Agent Status Poll Interval

For additional information see the following url: