There may be times when events and alarms are not wanted or needed from a device interface, this techdoc will explain how to stop the events from generating.
How can I prevent Alarms and Events from being generated from devices interfaces?
Release: 20.2.x
Component: SPCAEM - Events and Alarms
On the interface model of the device there is an attribute called IsEventCreationEnabled (0x129f8) which defaults to yes. By changing this attribute to No it will prevent events from being created on that interface. If you have a large number of interfaces to enable you can create a Locater Search of the interface models and then apply them all at the same time via Attribute Editor by highlighting them all from the Locater list view and then launching attribute editor.
You may also want to create a Global Collection of these interfaces and then use Policy Manager to enforce this attribute IsEventCreationEnabled (0x129f8) to no to ensure that this attribute is not changed.
Please reference the "Policy Manager" section of the documentation for more information.