"IEW2456E 9207 SYMBOL SECALOCA UNRESOLVED. MEMBER COULD NOT BE INCLUDED" message when applying ptfs QO81847/QO82324 for CA Faver release 4.5.
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"IEW2456E 9207 SYMBOL SECALOCA UNRESOLVED. MEMBER COULD NOT BE INCLUDED" message when applying ptfs QO81847/QO82324 for CA Faver release 4.5.


Article ID: 11217


Updated On:


FAVER VSAM Data Protection for z/OS


Getting IEW2456E 9207 SYMBOL SECALOCA UNRESOLVED. MEMBER COULD NOT BE INCLUDED" message when applying ptfs QO81847/QO82324


Release: FASTDA00200-4.5-CA-FastDASD


These ptfs require that QO49836 has been previously applied, as this ptf introduces the SECALOCA entry point.

If the ptfs are being applied one after another, the first apply should call in the production linklib (SYSLIB) as input with the output (SYSLMOD) being the test linklib.

All subsequent links should pull in the test linklib as the SYSLIB, and output to the test linklib as the SYSLMOD. Otherwise, you are regressing each previous PTF as you go along.