N2U301 UNIX Server initialisation failed with x'050000'
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N2U301 UNIX Server initialisation failed with x'050000'


Article ID: 112130


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CMDB for z/OS NetSpy Network Performance NetMaster Network Automation SOLVE NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management


When Netmaster 12.2 initializes it shows the following messages every 30 seconds
N2U301 UNIX Server initialisation failed with x'050000'
N2U304 UNIX Server attempting restart in 30 seconds

A security violation report shows nothing. 


Release: SLOPFC00200-12.2-NetMaster-File Transfer Management


Incomplete security to facilitate USS calls in Netmaster


Please check the following (listed in order of probable cause): 
1. Ensure that the NetMaster region userid has READ/WRITE access to the /tmp  HFS file (this is not yet documented - we're working on it). 

2. Review the Release Notes section regarding Enhanced Support for UNIX System Services (USS) Commands and especially IEESYSAS setup. 
Link is here 

3. Check the Installing Guide, Chapter to Prepare IBM Communications Server, section to Set Up UNIX Authorization for Started Task User IDs .
Link is here: 

4. Applying PTFs SO04852 and SO04853 is recommended. They prevent the recursiveness of the error you are seeing as well as doing other cleanup, preventing hang situations when USS security in the region is not correct, provide enhanced diagnostics and more. 
NOTE: PRE PTF SO01106 says it requires and IBM APAR of PI92503.  That is a typo. Actual  required IBM APAR is PI95603. 

Additional Information

See also KB000076551 if other errors are occurring.