Repository orphans
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Repository orphans


Article ID: 11206


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What is a Repository orphan and how does it impact the tool?


Release: DATASH00200-7.2-Repository-Webstation Option


All data stored in the repository has a corresponding reference in the cross reference table DBX_XREF.

If this reference is broken then it results in orphan rows and incomplete data.

There are several different types of orphan rows that can exist.

Below is a summary of the different types of orphans:

Orphaned XREF rows

An XREF row is orphaned when there is a relationship or association row in the DBX_XREF table and either the source or target object is not defined in the DBX_XREF table.

Orphaned Entities

An instance of an entity is orphaned when there is a row defined as an entity in one of the metadata tables, and no row exists for the instance in the DBX_XREF table.

An entity is also orphaned if a row exists in the DBX_XREF table for an entity and there is no corresponding row in the entity metadata table.

Orphaned Relationships

An instance of a relationship is orphaned when there is a row defined as a relationship in one of the metadata tables, and no row exists for the instance in the DBX_XREF table.

A relationship is also orphaned if a row exists in the DBX_XREF table for a relationship and there is no corresponding row in the relationship metadata table.

Orphaned Workstation XREF rows

A workstation XREF row is orphaned when there is a row in the DBX_WKSN_XREF table and no corresponding row in the DBX_XREF table.

A workstation XREF row is orphaned when there is a row in the DBX_WKSN_XREF table but no corresponding row in the DBX_WORKSTATION_D table.

Orphaned Text

Text is orphaned when there are rows in the text tables, but no corresponding row in the DBX_XREF table


Orphans can be removed by executing the PRMORPH utility documented in Appendix A of the CA Repository for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Additional Information

Refer to Appendix A of the CA Repository for z/OS Administrator Guide for details on the PRMORPH utility