Can an element in an Endevor package be regenerated?
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Can an element in an Endevor package be regenerated?


Article ID: 112038


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


We modified a REXX routine executed in a processor and now need to reprocess some elements in a Package with the affected Type.

Can we regenerate the affected elements or does the package have to be rebuilt? 


Component: ENDBAS


The solution will depend on the status of Package.

If package is IN-EDIT status, you can generate element.

For other status available before execution, i.e. IN-APPROVAL, APPROVED, DENIED, follows these guidelines:

If the Package Lock option in the ENCOPTBL table turned on and package has already been Casted, then you will need to:
  • Reset the package 
  • Regenerate the elements 
  • Cast the package
If you don't have the Package Lock option turned on, you can regenerate the elements when has been Cast.