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Article ID: 111975


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Automation Point


Installing a new version of  CA AP 11.5 SP3.
There are two CCI communication modes, CCIRMTD and CCI-PC.
Which mode of communication should be used now that NSM is no longer supported.
If it's CCI-PC, which component on the mainframe is listening to requests on ports 1202 and 1203. With CCIRMTD use CCITCPGW, what port is it using.


Component: ATMXC


Even we dont support NSM any longer the old CCI kind, called CCI-distributed, will be continued to be supported.
No actual changes are needed in the CCI configuration if you dont want..
Here the explanation why the new CCI-PC is introduced..

Previously CCI-dist (the older CCI with CA AP) did not support TLS 1.2..
There was a sudden requirement to support it, and CCI-PC has this support..
We also made CCI-PC available with CA AP... However during the CCI-PC introduction one of CCI development groups also finished the TLS 2.1 support for CCI-dist...
That's why CA AP now has both CCI flavors available...

Some difference between CCI-dist and CCI-PC :

- CCI-dist is connecting to the mainframe via CCITCPGW
- CCI-PC is connecting to the mainframe via CCITCP

- CCI-dist is configured via the CCIRMTD.RC file.
- CCI-PC is configured via the Configuration screen/application..

- CCI-dist can connect directly to ALL mainframes
- CCI-PC connects to a primary (or alternate) to a mainframe and via this single connection it connects to the other mainframes.

Depending on the use of TLS it differs from the PORT to use...
Using TLS, also the mainframe stc is different, CCISSL or CCISSLGW stc....
In general the port setting on the CA AP server for CCI depends on the CCI stc's on the mainframe..
The mainframe stc's have a port assignment and this needs to be used to connect with CCI at the CA AP server.