Using snmptd probe to capture traps coming in from an external application like CA Spectrum and some of the trap variables are getting truncated and UIM does not show the full text of the error message that Spectrum is sending in nas alarms.
Release: DX UIM 820.4*/23.4*
Component: snmptd 3.3x and above
Analysis of the truncated variable in the trap showed that it is around 1K size and currently within the snmptd probe variable handing limit is 500byte variable buffer.
Currently variable length is limited to 500 and that is long enough in most cases. In this case, the problem is that the particular variable is very long and not falling within the snmptd variable length limit and hence it is causing the truncation. If there are 20+ variables having each length of 500, alarm size will become very large i.e >500*20 bytes(~10k) and such a length is not supported by many UIM components
Increasing the snmptd probe variable buffer limit would be an enhancement request.