CA UIM sngtw or sdgtw probe integration with multiple servicenow instances
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CA UIM sngtw or sdgtw probe integration with multiple servicenow instances


Article ID: 111961


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Currently using sngtw probe to integrate CA UIM with Service Now instance. 
Is it possible to have another sngtw probe deployed to integrate with another different Service Now Instance. 
Alternatively can sdgtw probe be used to integrate with another Service Now instance in same environment


Release: Any UIM GA
Component: sdgtw  and sngtw


Ideally, you would replace the sngtw probe with the sdgtw probe which can be configured to handle connections to different ServiceNow applications. 
Logic would have to be built in the nas or in sdgtw to make sure that the alarms are routed to the correct ServiceNow application when the assign_alarm messages arrive on the sdgtw probe’s queue.
If you go this route, you would have to deactivate the sngtw probe, then close/resolve all open tickets in the sngtw ServiceNow application manually.
Existing alarms will open new tickets in the ServiceNow application that sngtw was populating and will start creating tickets in the second ServcieNow application when alarms start getting processed by the sdgtw probe. 

Alternatively  sngtw and sdgtw could be installed on the same hub to connect to two different ServiceNow applications. 
In this case logic would have to be built into the nas to control where assign alarms are directed (sngtw probe queue or the sdgtw probe queue). 
Also need to ensure that you use different queue names for these 2 probes (configurable in both probes). 

Note: The sdgtw probe can be installed on the primary hub running on one of the operating systems listed in the Supported Platforms section or on a robot attached to the primary hub that matches these operating systems. The probe would not work on a secondary hub 

Additional Information

sdgtw AC Configuration

sngtw AC Configuration