ERROR: "TPXL0040 LOGON REJECT - RECURSIVE LOGON" using "A TPXapplid" in a Generic Resource environment
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ERROR: "TPXL0040 LOGON REJECT - RECURSIVE LOGON" using "A TPXapplid" in a Generic Resource environment


Article ID: 11192


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


I have setup TPX as a Generic Resource on two LPAR's. <Generic name> is the Generic name and <applid1> & <applid2> are the applid's for each TPX instance.

When I signon to TPX using the generic name I get logged into one of the TPX's, lets say I get assigned to <applid1>.

When I attempt to issue the "A <applid2>" command and establish a session with TPX running on the other system, I get the error LOGON REJECT - RECURSIVE LOGON

Why do I get Error TPXL0040 LOGON REJECT - RECURSIVE LOGON when attempting to logon to a specific TPX image in a GR environment ?


  • TPX™ Session Management
  • Vman Session Management for z/OS


If you are using TPX Generic Resource, doing a specific logon to another member of the same generic pool is not allowed . Other than TPXOPER there should be no need to get into the other TPX (they are mirror images of each other).

TPXOPER can utilize the cross system commands using the SYSID= parameter, if needed for administration.