What does status of "Audited" mean on a task appearing on View Submitted Tasks screen?
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What does status of "Audited" mean on a task appearing on View Submitted Tasks screen?


Article ID: 11183


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


When using "View Submitted Tasks" and checking the "Show unsubmitted tasks" option there are tasks displaying that have a status of "Audited".

What does that mean? I guess that this is not the same as being in the Audit DB tables [imsAuditTaskSession12]?


14.4 Standalone and Virtual Appliance Identity Manager


A task will be "Audited" if the user accessed it, but never submitted it. For instance, if they click on the Modify User task, but instead of submitting it starts the Create User task instead. The Modify User task would show up as Audited.
Unsuccessful TEWS tasks (which failed the validation stage, therefore not submitted) - will have the same "Audited" state