Cannot log into Spectrum OneClick after restarting tomcat on the OneClick server - Experiencing delay starting UserModelDomainList
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Cannot log into Spectrum OneClick after restarting tomcat on the OneClick server - Experiencing delay starting UserModelDomainList


Article ID: 111827


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Cannot log into Spectrum OneClick after restarting tomcat on the OneClick (OC) server

The tomcat log may show an error:   Experiencing delay starting UserModelDomainList

This document is an overall troubleshooting guide so if you do not see the UserModelDomainList this may still apply.



Windows or Linux


Check the $SPECROOT/tomcat/logs/stdout.log (Windows) or catalina.out (Linux) file on the OneClick system for the following error:

Experiencing delay starting UserModelDomainList

This indicates OneClick is not able to connect to the Main Location Server (MLS) SpectroSERVER properly. 


Ensure there a no communication issues between the OneClick and MLS systems. Check the following:

1. Hostname resolution between the MLS and OC and OC and MLS systems

2. Ensure the hostname or ip address of the OC is in the $SPECROOT/.hostrc file on the MLS

3. Ensure the following ports are open between the OC and MLS systems. Reference the "Communication Across Firewalls" section of the documentation for details.






4. Ensure the locServerName parameter in the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/META-INF/context.xml file is pointing to the MLS system

5. Ensure the adminUserName parameter in the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/META-INF/context.xml file is pointing to a valid Spectrum User model in the SpectroSERVER database. 

If the SpectroSERVER process on the MLS seems to be hung:

1. Try to shutdown the SpectroSERVER process on the MLS gracefully. If unable to shut it down gracefully, kill the SpectroSERVER process.

2. Reinitialize the SpectroSERVER database using a recent SpectroSERVER database

3. Start the SpectroSERVER process as normal

4. Restart tomcat on the OneClick system

If the issue persists, please open a case with Spectrum Support.