XCOMN0293E XCOMPRE FAILED RC=1. Why is this exit running under SYSTEM authority instead of as the User?
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XCOMN0293E XCOMPRE FAILED RC=1. Why is this exit running under SYSTEM authority instead of as the User?


Article ID: 11182


Updated On: 02-14-2018


XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


If we try to copy from a remote server in the XCOMPRE exit, we get the following message: XCOMN0293E Preallocation User Exit failed, RC=1. If we do this in the XCOMEND, it works without a problem.

I am getting this error message from the XCOMPRE exit.  XCOMN0293E XCOMPRE FAILED RC=1. Why is this exit running under SYSTEM authority instead of as the User?


Release: ESBXCM99000-11-CA-XCOM Data Transport-Extended Support Basic


All CA XCOM exits for UNIX, Linux and Windows run as the user with the exception of the XCOMPRE and XCOMNTFY exits in the case where they are started by a remotely initiated (incoming) transfer. In this case, both of these exits run as root under Unix or Linux, and SYSTEM for Windows Family.