CA DADS Plus CICS load OSISVC is linkedited as AC(1).
Article ID: 111817
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The CA DADS Plus CICS product installation instructions indicate that the module OSISVC, is to be installed as an SVC and it is to be linkedited AC(1). When a module is to be installed as a MF SVC there is no need to linkedit the module with AC(1) because it will never be called or invoked as a program. Having AC(1) specified on the module in this circumstance opens an unnecessary security risk. Therefore, we ask that your linkedit JCL, stored as pds member "&hlq.samplib(OSISVCL)" be modified to remove 'AC(1)' from the linkedit statements.
The OSISVC module is used by CA DADS Plus CICS to modify the CICS DFHRPL concattenation. Starting with GA fix SO04309 the CA DADS Plus RPL feature will no longer be supported and the OSISVC has been disabled.
After applying SO04309 if you relink OSISVC and attempt to install it dynamically using OSI$DYN JCL example below SVC 230 you get a return code of 16 on the step and a message as shown below