I would like to get Help for the IT Asset Manager Data Importer command line.
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I would like to get Help for the IT Asset Manager Data Importer command line.


Article ID: 11177


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CA IT Asset Manager CA Software Asset Manager (CA SAM) ASSET PORTFOLIO MGMT- SERVER CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


I would like to get Help for the Data Importer command line. How can I do that?


CA IT Asset management 17.X


Help can be accessed when running the ITAM Data Importer from the command line, by following the below steps.

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Change directory to the location of the ITAM Data Importer exe.
  3. Enter the following.
"ITAM DATA Importer.exe" -h

You will be presented with help information similar to the below.

C:\itamdataimporter\8191_dataimporter\ITAM Data Importer>The syntax of "ITAM Dat a Importer.exe" is

"ITAM Data Importer.exe" -f[pathToMapfile] -pwd[password] -cp[componentCode] -ur

"-h" "/?" " -H" "-?" "/h" - displays this help information
-f Required Specify the map file being used
-usr Required Specify User name to mdb for uapm or to SWCM Web Service
-pwd Required Specify Password to mdb for uapm or to SWCM Web Service
-cp Specify Component code SWCM or UAPM to be used. Default SWCM
-url Specify the URL for SWCM Web Service. Required for SWCM
-s a flag indicates silent (no UI)
-ip Specify the processing type 0 -- Insert Or Update 1--Insert Only 2-- Update only. Default 0
-is Specify if sub-object should be created. 0 -- No creating sub-objects. 1-- creating SubObject
-ch Changer Stamp-- 0 or 1 --UAPM Only
--ee EnableEvents -- 0 or 1 --UAPM Only
-es EnableScripts -- 0 or 1 --UAPM Only
-dbn Specify Database Name for UAPM mdb
-dbs Specify Database Source for UAPM mdb - server name for the mdb
-ts a flag for touble shooting, all the parameters will be recorded in the log file when this flag present

"ITAM Data Importer.exe SWCM example

"ITAM Data Importer.exe" "-fC:\My Documents\Contact.map" -usrsa -pwdca123 -cpSWC
M -s -ip1 -is1 -urlhttp://localhost/SWCMService/Service.asmx

"ITAM Data Importer.exe UAPM example

"ITAM Data Importer.exe" "-fC:\My Documents\Contact.map" -usrsa -pwdca123 -ip1 -
is1 -cpUAPM -s -dbnmdbuapm -dbsuai_test