Corrupt PDF with AFP to PDF transformation Web Viewer 11.5
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Corrupt PDF with AFP to PDF transformation Web Viewer 11.5


Article ID: 111677


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Deliver View Output Management Web Viewer


We have been submitting batch jobs that use AFP to PDF transformation for the output. The batch job runs fine with a condition code of zero and we can see them in the View database. However, when we view them through the WebViewer, we are unable to do so and get an error. We went out and looked are our DRAS started task and found the following error messages: **** WARNING **** ERRNO = ENFOUND 12.40.47 STC41128 Generated in AFOPEN called from line 1538 of @@504446(IOUTACB), offset 000494 Extended name: IOUTIL_real_open .....File not opened, not found on specified volume. 

On the Web Viewer side the PDF is corrupt - when attempting to browse a document in PDF format an error AFP a "File does not begin with '%PDF-', ...... is displayed.


IBM z/OS 2.3


z/OS upgrade on the DRAS side from 2.1 to 2.3 required a new library


After an operating system upgrade from z/OS 2.1 to 2/3 customer needed to specify a new PDEFLIB DSN in DRAS.