UFO EXPORT results in error BRIDGE FILE INACCESSIBLE. How do we resolve this?
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UFO EXPORT results in error BRIDGE FILE INACCESSIBLE. How do we resolve this?


Article ID: 11167


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A new UFO Bridge file was created and defined to the CICS region with service requests of (READ,UPDATE,ADD,BROWSE,DELETE). CEMT I FI shows that the Bridge file is also ENAbled and OPEned to CICS but any attempt to use UFO EXPORT results in "BRIDGE FILE INACCESSIBLE".

CA UFO EXPORT results in error BRIDGE FILE INACCESSIBLE. How do we resolve this?


Release: ESBUFO99000-3.2-Extended Support Basic-for UFO


The "BRIDGE FILE INACCESSIBLE" error message may be caused by an incorrect CICS definition.

Typically, the problem is that the UFO Bridge file was not defined with DATAFORMAT "V" (variable length).

Please check the DATAFORMAT of your CICS definition via CEDA EXP FI(bridgefilename) GR(group).
You can use CEDA ALTER and update it to "V" but then the CICS region must be recycled.