Export/Import Patch Management's "Not Applicable" status from Online to Offline CIC
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Export/Import Patch Management's "Not Applicable" status from Online to Offline CIC


Article ID: 111664


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


Online CIC/Patch Management = Machine with Internet Access but no access to mdb database. It is using a local h2 database.
Offline CIC/Patch Management = Machine without Internet Access but access to mdb database.

In Online CIC, all Patch Management patches are in status "Pending User Acceptance". As Online Patch Management has no access to database it could not execute the maintenance task to update the Patch status using the Software Inventory of computers. This maintenance task sets the status "Not Applicable" to patches which are not needed according the Software Inventory.

The list of patch is status "Pending User Acceptance" is very long and it is slower to find a patch.

In this example there are 24807 patches in status "Pending User Acceptance" in Online CIC machine (against less than one thousand in Offline Patch Management).

In this example, in Offline Patch Management machine, the list of patch in status "Pending User Acceptance" is much smaller (564 patches)

How to update the Patch status from Offline Patch Management (access to mdb) to Online CIC (no access to mdb) ?



Client Automation - All Patch Management supported versions


Here is a method to update the Patch status "Not Applicable" on OnlineCIC from Offline Patch Management.

1. On Offline Patch Management (machine which has access to mdb), copy the attached file PM_export_status.txt into C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\bin and rename it as PM_export_status.bat


The syntax of this command is :


Syntax :
PM_export_status.bat [user] [password]

Parameters :
user              : user for db. If missing trusted connection is used.
password          : password of user to access the database

Examples :
PM_export_status.bat sa pwdsa
PM_export_status.bat ca_itrm NOT_changedR11


Remark : This script retrieves the SQL Server Name and Instance from local comstore.
2. Execute the script PM_export_status.bat. This should generate a file PM_export_status.txt containing 2 UPDATE SQL request.


3. On CIC Online machine, copy the attached file h2_update_status.txt in directory C:\Program Files\CA\SC\CIC\bin and renamed it as h2_update_status.bat
Copy in same directory the file PM_export_status.txt generated in previous step.


Remark :
Default cicuser password is : CAC0nt3nt!4CIC
If it has been changed, edit file h2_update_status.bat with notepad and change the password in line “SET CICUSER_PASSWORD=”
4. In CIC Online, stop the processes which are accessing h2 database:
  • Stop “CA Content Import Client” service:

  • Shutdown CIC Manager using Administrator privileges.



5. Do a copy of file C:\Program Files\CA\SC\CIC\bin\content.h2.db to create a backup of database (useful in case of problem).
6. Execute C:\Program Files\CA\SC\CIC\bin\h2_update_status.bat with Administrator privileges. 


7. Restart “CA Content Import Client” service.

And Launch CIC Manager.
Filter “Pending User Acceptance” displays much less patches (957 in this example against 24807 before):

Additional Information

This procedure could be executed regularly (maybe once a month) to update the status of new patches and Patch status for new installed computers and/or software.


1558536693141Export_Import_PM_Status.zip get_app