Endevor - Natural integration (EINE) install
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Endevor - Natural integration (EINE) install


Article ID: 111659


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Are all the components of EINE included in the Endevor installation? 
Asking both "physically" - where the installation files are? and about license and pricing - does it require any additional fee?


Component: ENDBAS


Yes, all the EINE components are included on the Endevor PAX file. You have to customize the install and install FMID CSIQI02    /*CA Endevor SCM Natural Interface

If installing Endevor using CA Chorus Software Manager, you need to do a Customer install and select the Natural component.

If installing from the PAX file, in the SAMPJCL job SCM4RECD, you need to include FMID CSIQI02.

This will create 2 libraries - CEW8JCL and CEW8SAGL
The CEW8JCL library contains JCL and the Natural and Predict Processors.
The CEW8SAGL library contains the ADALOD files for the EINE Adabas files 125 and 126, plus the NATLOAD file with the Natural EINE software.

Yes, there is an additional license and LMP key required for running the Endevor Natural interface.