What are the different messages produced by the chase utility?
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What are the different messages produced by the chase utility?


Article ID: 11165


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


The chase utility, when run, will generate a number of different output messages. This document catalogs the messages which chase utility can produce.

What are the different messages produced by the chase utility?


CA Workload Automation AE 11.3.x


The chase utility will generate any number of output messages. These messages are listed below. This information can be used in order to determine the status of jobs upon which chase reports.

  1. CAUAJM_I_50156 There are no Jobs in a STARTING or RUNNING state!

  2. CAUAJM_I_50158 Checking on Jobs in the STARTING state...

  3. CAUAJM_I_50158 Checking on Jobs in the RUNNING state...

  4. CAUAJM_I_50159 There are NO Jobs that have been in the STARTING state more than 120 Seconds.

  5. CAUAJM_I_50162 Job has been in the STARTING state more than 120 Seconds.
    Manual intervention may be required.

  6. CAUAJM_I_50164 There are NO Jobs in the RUNNING state.

  7. CAUAJM_E_50165 Unable to inspect any jobs on machine: xxxxxxxx
    CAUAJM_E_50421 Make three more attempts to inspect machine: xxxxxxxx,
    before giving up.
    CAUAJM_E_50422 Three attempts failed to inspect jobs on machine :

  8. CAUAJM_E_50168 Chase Error: Job in RUNNING state, but run_machine is
    empty. Job may have been manually changed to
    RUNNING state.

  9. CAUAJM_E_50169 ERROR receiving information from Agent.
    CAUAJM_E_50169 The index pointed to a zero ''joid'':
    chase[xxxxxxxx].joid = 0.

  10. CAUAJM_E_50170 ERROR receiving information from Agent.
    CAUAJM_E_50170 The index for xxxxxxxx pointed to a zero ''joid'':
    chase[xxxxxxxx].joid = 0.

  11. CAUAJM_I_50172 OK! Both the auto_remote daemon and the job are still running.

  12. CAUAJM_I_50173 OK! The file watcher is still running.

  13. Possible chase anomaly: AutoSys Agent is running, but the Job is NOT on machine: xxxxxxxx

  14. CAUAJM_I_50174 Auto_remote daemon MAY be in the process of sending the final event back. Check again in a few seconds.

  15. *** ERROR: AutoSys agent is NOT running, but the user Job is, on machine = xxxxxxxx.
    Manual intervention is required.

  16. CAUAJM_I_50175 An event for this Job has come in during examination... Everything is fine.

  17. Chase Error: file watcher in RUNNING state, but the agent is not there on machine: xxxxxxxx

  18. Chase Error: Job in RUNNING state, but BOTH AutoSys Agent and user process are NOT running on machine: xxxxxxxx

  19. Could not connect to machine: xxxxxxxx The machine or the network must be down.
    CAUAJM_I_50176 Can not determine the status of xxxxxxxx. Manual investigation is necessary.

  20. Error in finding the actual state of the job: xxxxxxxx on machine = xxxxxxxx

  21. CAUAJM_E_50178 Could not get row for joid = xxxxxxxx

  22. Job has been in the RUNNING state more than xxxxxxxx Minutes - Manual intervention may be required.

  23. Job and Agent are not RUNNING. chase sending a FAILURE event.
    CAUAJM_E_50180 Chase failed to send the CHANGE_STATUS to FAILURE

  24. Job and Agent are not RUNNING. chase sending a FAILURE event.
    CAUAJM_I_50181 *** CHANGE_STATUS to FAILURE sent! ***

Additional Information


chase Command—Verify Job STARTING or RUNNING Status