NOTE: Following queries are intended to be ran within MySQL Client console, at the SSG database.
So connect to it with: # mysql -u root -p ssg
- Query to check what tables are filling up the Database (to be executed within MySQL console)
select table_name, round(((data_length + index_length) / (1024*1024)),2) as size_in_megs from information_schema.tables where table_schema = "ssg" order by size_in_megs;
- Check the total number of stored audit records:
SELECT count(*) FROM audit_main;
- Check the newest and oldest audit record:
SELECT from_unixtime(min(time)/1000) as 'Oldest Record', from_unixtime(max(time)/1000) AS 'Newest Record' FROM audit_main;
- Check audits generated PER SERVICE in a FIXED period of TIME (replace the two YEAR-MONTH-DAY with a valid starting and end date, for example 2018-04-01 and 2018-04-16). This will give you an indication of average ibdata grown based on the number of audit the services generate
select count(*), from audit_main a, audit_detail b where a.goid=b.audit_goid and a.time between unix_timestamp('YEAR-MONTH-DAY')*1000 and unix_timestamp('YEAR-MONTH-DAY')*1000 group by name;