How the Siteminder Webagent Encodes & Decodes URLs
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How the Siteminder Webagent Encodes & Decodes URLs


Article ID: 11150


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CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On


What is the algorithm used by the Webagent to encode/decode URL?


All WebAgent Versions


If the URL contains any of the following characters, webagent will Encode the URL:

' '(space), '&', '+', '?', '%', or '$'.  

First, the URL is prepended with '-SM-' if LegacyEncoding=NO, or with '$SM$' if LegacyEncoding=YES. 

Next, the following rules are applied in order:
' 'is replaced with '%20'
'&' is replaced with '%26'  
'+' is replaced with '%2b'
'?' is replaced with '%3f'
'@' is replaced with '%40'
'"' is replaced with '"' (no changes/encoding)
'=' is replaced with '%3d'
'%' is replaced with '$%' or '-%'

Case of '-' and '$':

'-' is used as delimiter for framework agents (LegacyEncoding=NO):
'-' is replaced with '--'
'--' is replaced with '----'
'---' is replaced with '------'
'$' is replaced with '%24'
'$' is used as delimiter for traditional agents (LegacyEncoding=YES):
'$' is replaced with '$$'
'$$' is replaced with '$$$$'
'$$$' is replaced with '$$$$$$'
'-' is replaced with '-' (no changes/encoding)

When decoding, it will reverse the logic, and the agent will remove a single - or $ for every one it added before.

Scenario with traditional agents (LegacyEncoding=YES):

URL being encoded is:

SM-Encoded, it becomes:
WebAgent decode an URL:

If the URL starts with '$SM$', then scan the string from the beginning. If the current character is '$', skip to the next character and return it. If the current character is %, then read the next TWO characters and return the urldecoded value. Otherwise return the current character. The algorithm will *not* urldecode a value such as $%20, because the % will have been skipped by the first case.

So, if the URL being decoded is: 

Here first strip off the $SM$:

then parse down the string until we find a '$' or a '%':

At this point, we see a %. So, we urldecode the % and the next two characters and then continue: 

Again, we see a %. Repeat:
http:/ %2fserver%2edomain%2ecom%2fresource%3fP1=A%2bB%26P2=Space$%20Here

Repeat (x times)$%20Here

Now, we see a '$' character, that means we return the *next* character and continue scanning.

And now we've reached the end of the string. This is the SM-Decoded value.


Scenario with Framework agents (LegacyEncoding=NO):$7@8"9=10-11--12---13

This sm-encoded value is decoded the same as the LegacyEncoding=YES example above, except removing - instead of $.

Are you running a Traditional Web Agent or a Framework Agent?

Framework Agents are installed on the following web servers:
IIS 6.0 
Apache 2.0 
Apache 2.0-based servers: IBM HTTP Server, Covalent ERS 2.x, HP Apache, and Oracle 10.x HTTP server
Sun Java Systems 6.0 and 6.1
Note: The Sun Java System Web server was formerly called the Sun ONE Web server or the iPlanet Web server.

Traditional Web Agents are installed on the following web servers:
IIS 5.0 
Apache 1.x 
Apache 1.x-based servers: IBM HTTP Server, Covalent Fast Start 2.x, and Oracle 9.x server

If you happen to have a mix of traditional and framework agents in the SSO environment, you will want to set LegacyEncoding=YES on all agents.  You cannot mix the two encoding modes, even if all agents are framework agents.