How to input goals into CA Agile Central iterations and to update their progress?
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How to input goals into CA Agile Central iterations and to update their progress?


Article ID: 111498


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


How to input goals into CA Agile Central iterations and to update their progress?


Release: AGCTTR99000-2016-Agile Central-Time Tracker-SAAS


In order to achieve your goal you need to create/add Custom List app with the Iteration as a Type however before doing that you need to add a new field to the Iteration type called for example Goals which would be a drop down list where you put 3 Goals : 

Goal 1 - finish analysis - in progress 
Goal 2 - complete requirements document - complete 
Goal 3 - review requirements and get sign off - not started 

And from the newly created page with the Custom List app you will have all of the iterations listed and all what you can do at this stage is adding a column Goals to list and update all of your goals.