I have configured a snmpcollector probe template to use ToT alarm settings, but those settings are not applied to my devices.
Release: 20.4
Component: snmpcollector, nas, alarm_enrichment
Make sure that you have nas and alarm_enrichment (a component of nas) installed on the snmpcollector hub machine.
Post installation you will want to make sure to configure the nas probe so that it replicates its alarms to its upstream hub. Also, you will want to make sure that you are not forwarding nimbus messages with the type of 'alarm' or 'alarm2' using queues as this will cause duplication of alarms.
Once installed and configured you can then run the apply templates callback from Admin Console:
Admin Console > Hub owning snmpcollector > click on the ellipsis next to snmpcollector > select View Pobe Uility in New Window > click apply_templates > click the green triangle.
Depending on the load on the system the templates may take a little time to apply.