CA Identity Manager - Web Services Examples for Searching and Cancelling Scheduled Tasks and Resubmit Task
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CA Identity Manager - Web Services Examples for Searching and Cancelling Scheduled Tasks and Resubmit Task


Article ID: 111476


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite


TEWS examples for searching Scheduled tasks, Cancelling a task, and Resubmitted a task.



Identity Manager

Identity Suite


First be sure you have enabled Web Services for the "View Submitted Tasks".

1) Example TEWS request to search for Scheduled tasks to get the TaskId:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsdl="http://tews6/wsdl">

Response will give list of Task which are in progress.

You can use multiple search criteria based on your requirements

2) Example TEWS request to cancel a task based on the TaskID:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsdl="http://tews6/wsdl">

3) Example TEWS request to resubmit a cancelled task based on the TaskID (the resubmitted task will execute immediately):

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsdl="http://tews6/wsdl">