How to find a list of Spectrum Global Alarm IDs
Release: Any
Component: SPCAEM
There are a couple of different way to find a list of Spectrum Global Alarm IDs:
1. Use the following RESTful query where <HOST/IP> is the hostname of ip address of the Spectrum OneClick server and <PORT> is the http port tomcat is running on (This assumes you are using http. Use https if you have it configured.)
The following is an example of the output from the above RESTful query:
<alarm-response-list xmlns="" total-alarms="5" throttle="5" error="EndOfResults">
<alarm id="5b6187de-6ff9-1001-0228-0200045a5ddf"/>
<alarm id="5b6ba146-f57c-1002-0228-0200045a5ddf"/>
<alarm id="5b582a34-0240-1000-0228-0200045a5ddf"/>
<alarm id="5b6bd80c-fdf4-1002-0228-0200045a5ddf"/>
<alarm id="5b694944-0024-1000-00d7-0200045a5de0"/>
Reference the "Using Alarm Resources" section of the documentation for more information
2. Log into the OneClick web pages and click on the Administration -> Debugging -> Alarm Table link