Investigate FOOTPRINT ERROR within Endevor
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Investigate FOOTPRINT ERROR within Endevor


Article ID: 111225


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


How to investigate FOOTPRINT ERROR within Endevor?

What action should be taken when Endevor action returns  error message C1G0119E.


Release: All 
Component: Endevor


In order to investigate FOOTPRINT ERROR,

The following utilities are recommend:

  1. Running C1BM5000/Validate utility will check the synchronization between MCF, Base and Delta libraries -> CSIQJCL(BC1JVALD)
  2. Running Report 80 will list the footprint for each member found in Base, Delta or any output libraries populated using Endevor processor -> CSIQJCL(BC1JRPTS),
  3. Running Report 83 will list the footprint exception for each member in error found in any libraries  -> CSIQJCL(BC1JRPTS),

All available reports can be built from Endevor using Option:

  1. USER MENU - Display user option menu
  2. REPORTS - Build Report Requests
  3. FOOTPRINT - Build Footprint report JCL

Additional Information

If further assistance is required, open a case to the Endevor Support.