Is it possible to use the Xpediter .LST compile listing that is generated by Xpediter to debug a program with CA Intertest CICS ?
Article ID: 111197
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InterTest - CICSInterTest - BatchInterTest VSE - CICS
Currently our application development team is recompiling code outside of changeman. We noticed that the compiled load was not using the same compile options as the production load. We are looking for a way to debug using the same load as in production. Is it possible to just use the Compuware Xpediter .LST file or copy - migrate the .LST file to CA Intertest CICS to debug?
You cannot use the Compuware Xpediter .LST file to debug a program with CA Intertest CICS. You must use a PROTSYM listing member to debug.
CA Intertest CICS has a post processing program called IN25COB2 which takes the Standard IBM COBOL compiler output and creates a PROTSYM repository member from the compile output. Then the PROTSYM source code member is used with CA Intertest CICS to debug the program. IN25COB2 also REQUIRES certain compiler options to be in effect to post process the listing.
The following compiler options are required to load symbolic information for COBOL programs into the PROTSYM file:
Option Description
MAP Produces a Data Division map. NONUMBER Suppresses compiler-generated line numbers. OFFSET or LIST* Produces a condensed Procedure map or full Assembler Procedure map. XREF Produces a cross-reference of data and procedure names. NOPT or OPT(0)** Produces breakpoints synchronized with source. NOSTGOPT Prevents the compiler from discarding unreferenced data items. The NOSTGOPT option is only valid for COBOL 5.1 and above.
* The LIST option is required when using the integrated CICS translator or integrated SQL coprocessor of COBOL for z/OS.
** When a COBOL program is OPTIMIZED, your breakpoints may not get stopped exactly where you think they should because the optimization is adding or modifying the generated code, and it may not be synchronized with the related source statements in the listing.
Unfortunately we do not know what the Compuware Xpediter .LST compile listing file looks like. The .LST file could be packed to save space or is not in a standard IBM listing format. The CA Intertest CICS development team has no control over future changes that may be made to the format of the .LST file which could cause the post processor IN25COB2 program to fail.
You could try running the post processor IN25COB2 using the Xpediter .LST file as input to see if the .LST file can be converted into a PROTSYM member which could then be used to debug the program with CA Intertest CICS.
Below is the basic JCL to post process a compile listing with IN25COB2.
If you encounter post processing errors while running IN25COB2 you may consider opening a case with CA technical support and provide the provide the requested documentation.