How to install an ITCM agent, and prerequisites, using a single command line?
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How to install an ITCM agent, and prerequisites, using a single command line?


Article ID: 11119


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


This document details how to utilize the DeployWrapper to install supported versions of CA Client Automation (ITCM) Agents and their prerequisites without having to individually run the installer for each prerequisite.  This is helpful when an administrator needs to deploy agents silently, without user interaction. 

How to use the Deploywrapper to install the ITCM agent, and its prerequisites, in a single command?


CA Client Automation- All Versions


The syntax for the DeployWrapper command, to install an agent:

.\DeployWrapper.exe /DPINST CopiedAgents /qn AGENT_SERVER=<ScalabilityServerFQDN> ALLUSERS=1 /l*v %temp%\ITRMAgentSetup.log

These commands should be run against the agent packages either from the \WindowsProductFiles_x86 directory of the installation media, or you can copy the agent package from the ....\CA\DSM\Packages\Public\CAUnicenterDSM directory on the Domain Manager and run the command against the agent package from these directories.

*Note in 12.x -r14 , the All Agents(AM,SD, and RC) package is not on the install media, you must pull it from:                      "...\CA\DSM\Packages\Public\CAUnicenterDSM\" directory.

For example to install the "AgentAM+RC+SD" package, follow the steps below:

  1. Find the directory where "AgentAM+RC+SD" on the Domain Manager, which is by default at the path below:


    This directory stores the entire agent packages used normally for the Infrastructure Deployment Wizard and will contain all of the MSI's needed to install all of the prerequisites and each Agent plug-in. You can verify that this is the correct directory by verifying it has the DeployWrapper.exe binary within it, along with the individual msi's for the Agent plug-ins you desire.

  2. Copy this "AgentAM+RC+SD" directory from the path on the Domain Manager above to your desired location, in this case we will use C:\AgentInstall, and name the new directory accordingly, in this case we will rename the directory from "Windows_x86" to "AgentAM+RC+SD".

    The full path would be "C:\AgentInstall\AgentAM+RC+SD"

  3. Open a command prompt and change directory to:


  4. From this directory in the command prompt, run the DeployWrapper command from above. Make sure to specify the Scalability Server where it says "AGENT_SERVER=".

    In this case we will use the Scalability Server name ""

    .\DeployWrapper.exe /DPINST CopiedAgents /qn ALLUSERS=1 /l*v %temp%\ITRMAgentSetup.log

  5. You can track the progress of the command and know when it completes by watching Task Manager for the DeployWrapper.exe command to finish. You will notice that several msiexec commands also get launched during this process. This is because the DeployWrapper.exe command is calling each individual msi needed for each component.

Additional Information

If you desire to install the agent on any drive or location other then

"C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC" for the shared components,

you can add the following two argument to the end of the command to specific the install directory.

CA="<Path to ...\CA\DSM directory>"
CASHCOMP="<Path to ...\CA\SC directory>"

For example, to install on D:\ drive:

.\DeployWrapper.exe /DPINST CopiedAgents /qn AGENT_SERVER=<ScalabilityServerName> ALLUSERS=1 /l*v %temp%\ITRMAgentSetup.log CA="D:\Program Files\CA\DSM" CASHCOMP="D:\Program Files\CA\SC"