processd not starting on OneClick server - Spectrum install owner password expired
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processd not starting on OneClick server - Spectrum install owner password expired


Article ID: 111121


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


CA Spectrum Process Daemon (processd) service on Windows does not work correctly anymore which is then causing all Spectrum subservices managed the processd are not starting

Background here is the implementation that CA Spectrum Process Daemon will launch the sub-service per context of Install-owner (run process as user ) and not under the processd service account (which is per default Local System Account). This ensures the Spectrum services are all under effective user "Spectrum install owner".

The implementation for CA Spectrum Process Daemon to launch the sub-service per context of Install-owner (run process as user ) requires the saved "user context" is valid. This user-context, here for the Spectrum Install owner credentials (username and password) is saved at time of install. Subsequent user-credential change - here the account password - is not passed into  CA Spectrum Process Daemon context. So the Spectrum logic to launch the sub-services will make use of out-dated credential set which then causes the sub-services not starting. (in practice the SID is saved at time of install - there is no option to find/edit the username and password within the Spectrum install files).

CA Spectrum Process Daemon logfile $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM/processd_log will cover runtime details (and exception messages).

In case the "Spectrum install owner" password expires, the CA Spectrum Process Daemon cannot start the Spectrum subservices  anymore (under context of "run process as user") which is then reported to the processd_log file.



This applies to CA Spectrum on Windows Server install only


To resolve this problem the CA Spectrum Process Daemon needs to recreate the user context - which is done by the command:

processd.exe --install --username "[<hostname>\]<spectrun_install_owner_username>" --password <actual_password>

Requirement to allow above command to run successful:
1: Ensure Service "Spectrum Remote Admin" is up and running (as this is used to validate by pseudo-logon the credential set)
2: Ensure the "cmd"-shell is running per account with administrative rights (here suggesting to launch "cmd" via right_click per "Run as Administrator")


Additional Information

Sample output:

--- SRAdmin service down ---
C:\win32app\Spectrum\lib\SDPM>processd.exe --install --username "<hostName>\<installOwnerUser>" --password supersecure69

Requesting installation of service: "SPECTRUM Process Daemon"

  Unable to connect to the SPECTRUM Remote Admin service to authenticate user.
  Please check if service is properly installed and running.

     error: service refused to be installed

--- SRAdmin service runs - credential / password wrong ---
C:\win32app\Spectrum\lib\SDPM>processd.exe --install --username "<hostName>\<installOwnerUser>" --password supersecu69

Requesting installation of service: "SPECTRUM Process Daemon"
     error: Unable to authenticate user. Please verify username and password.
     error: service refused to be installed

--- SRAdmin  service runs - credential / password  correct ---
C:\win32app\Spectrum\lib\SDPM>processd.exe --install --username "<hostName>\<installOwnerUser>" --password supersecure66

Requesting installation of service: "SPECTRUM Process Daemon"
    service already installed: requesting reconfiguration
    reconfiguration successful
Service description updated successfully.