IPNS0806 UNIX shell request RECEIVE has failed due to Environment disconnected
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IPNS0806 UNIX shell request RECEIVE has failed due to Environment disconnected


Article ID: 111099


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NetMaster Network Automation NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management


Seeing IPNS0806 UNIX shell request RECEIVE has failed due to Environment disconnected This may appear at startup or when trying to issue a USS command within Netmaster, such as onetstat.
Issuing the same command from TSO works fine.


Cause can be varied; it is related to a USS access problem of some kind.


In 12.1 and prior releases, all USS calls are made in the SOLVESSI.

Set up debugging by adding

Cycle the SOLVESSI.

The trace records will appear in the SSILOG.

If you cannot resolve the problem with the resulting information, please open a case with Netmaster support on support.ca.com and send us the SSILOG.

In 12.2, all USS calls are made in the Netmaster region.

Set up debugging by setting the parameter 
Enable Debug Messages? to YES in the $NM USS parameter group.

Cycle the region.

Trace records will be written to the SYSLOGD file in USS.
If you cannot find the cause of the problem by reviewing the SYSLOGD, please open a case with Netmaster support on support.ca.com and send us the send the SYSLOGD and complete Netmaster region STC output