If PMO abends or detects Top Secret has started after it (as described in the programmer guide) then the PMO task needs the security systems authority to start itself.
Specify TOPSECRT=YES in your parameter data set if you plan to reinitialize Top Secret while PMO is running. Before Top Secret reinitializes, it removes its old SVC 21 intercept. If PMO is active during the Top Secret initialization, PMO SVC 21 intercept is effectively removed. This may cause a system abend 215 or 0C4 in PMO/XSYS or in a user address space. When you specify TOPSECRT=YES, PMO automatically stops and restarts itself (installing its SVC 21 in the process) when you reinitialize Top Secret.
1. PMO does not reuse the ECSA it needs when it is restarted. If ECSA usage at your site is critical, avoid unnecessary Top Secret reinitializations.
2. Some Top Secret functions, such as enabling PDS member level protection using the MODIFY TSS,PDSPROT(ON) command, displace the PMO SVC18 intercept as well as the SVC21 intercept.