Is there a way to see the data from audit fields in a report or portlet?
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Is there a way to see the data from audit fields in a report or portlet?


Article ID: 110916


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


Is there any functionality or reports available out of the box to view the data in the audit fields or have the data displayed in a list format in a portlet?


Release: All Supported releases


  1. There is nothing out of the box as far as reporting or displaying in list portlets.
  2.  A custom portlet could be created with all of the audit fields, and then that data can be exported to excel
  3. The Global Audit Trail from the Administration menu could be used, but there is no option to export any of the data.
    • See the above referenced communities post for a possible NSQL query that may be used for a portlet (Referenced as "Audit Trail All V01" in the post)
    • On Premise customers: You can run a query such as the below then copy that data into excel:

Additional Information

Sample of a query that can be used to build the Audit Trail portlet:


cmn_audits aud,
srm_resources res,
inv_investments inv

where aud.last_updated_by = res.user_id
and aud.object_id =

and @FILTER@