Legacy SNMP Community String impacting Global Collection searches
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Legacy SNMP Community String impacting Global Collection searches


Article ID: 110880


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CA Spectrum


We have two users. One is an ADMIN user with ADMIN,0 as a Legacy SNMP Community String and one with WEBCLIENT,0 as a Legacy SNMP Community String. They both create the same exact GC search. The user with ADMIN,0 finds ALL devices in all landscape. The one with WEBCLIENT,0 only finds the devices from the MLS. If a DSS SS is restarted, it will find those models. If ADMIN,0 is added to the Legacy SNMP Community String of the other user, all models are found in all landscapes.

Why does the Legacy SNMP Community String have an impact in this situation?


Spectrum 10.2.0 and above running on any OS


A new feature was added in 10.2.0 where we track all the user actions. As part of this feature we added a permissions check which enables the need of “ADMIN:0” for creating duplicate models in DSS environment.


This is functioning as designed.