If you want to list each lidrec that would have, for example, xyz in positions 18-20 of the UID string, there are a couple of ways to do this:
- If you know that the desired character string is in the logonid and the logonid is in the UID string, you can use the LIST LIKE(?.) command in LID mode. If the desired string is the first 3 characters of the logonid, then you could enter LIST LIKE(xyz-). ACF2 will list out all the lidrecs that have a logonid that begins with xyz. If you are looking for a # in the 1st position of the logonid, then the command would be LIST LIKE(#-). If you are looking for a # in the 3rd position of the logonid, then the command would be LIST LIKE(**#-).
- If you know the name of the field that contains the value you are looking for, then you can enter the ACF command LIST LIKE(-) IF(field = 'xyz') or LIST UID(-) IF(field= 'xyz')<<<where "field" is the name of the field and "xyz" is the value you are looking for. The single quote asterisk ' ' are important for designating this is an alphanumeric field>>>
- If you don't know which lid fields make up the UID string but you do know a logonid that has the desired characters in the right positions in its UID, you can LIST that logonid and cut and paste its UID string into the LIST UID(?) command and replace the preceding characters with asterisks, e.g., a UID of 'uid deptxxx nnxyznnnn' would become LIST UID(*****************xyz). This command will list all the logonids that have xyz in the 18th through 20th positions of the UID string. Positions after the desired location do not have to be specified.
These commands can be issued from TSO ACF or from ACFBATCH or the batch TMP, IKJEFT01. An alternative approach is to use the ACFRPTSL report to list lidrecs that match on the desired value. For information on the ACFRPTSL report see the ACF2 Reports and Utilities.