How can I overcome the "QI028E File SYS1 could not be edited" message that I'm receiving when trying to create a datastore in batch for Detector and Subsystem Analyzer?
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How can I overcome the "QI028E File SYS1 could not be edited" message that I'm receiving when trying to create a datastore in batch for Detector and Subsystem Analyzer?


Article ID: 11078


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When creating a datastore in a batch for CA Detector and CA Subsystem Analyzer, the job finishes with the following error message:

QI028E File SYS1 could not be edited.

Using the CA Detector online panels the datastore was created without problem.

How can I overcome the "QI028E File SYS1 could not be edited" message that I'm receiving when trying to create a datastore in batch for Detector and Subsystem Analyzer using the "Generate JCL to create the datastore as specified" option on the "Create Datastore Display"?


z/OS 1.11 and above.


The QI028E error is usually due to the ISPF temporary datasets being pre-allocated to the TSO/ISPF logon procedure with UNIT=VIO which causes SVC99 to return a blank for the unit and the ISPF editor therefore assumes the dataset is cataloged. When the dataset cannot be found, this error is issued. In order to correct this problem change the UNIT parameter from VIO to SYSDA or whatever UNIT is appropriate for your site.

Another way to overcome this problem is to bypass the logon proc & run the PDTDSALC job in your <High.Level>.CDBASRC library to create your Datastore.