Offloading reports from CA Dispatch archive tapes outside of CA Dispatch.
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Offloading reports from CA Dispatch archive tapes outside of CA Dispatch.


Article ID: 11077


Updated On:


Dispatch Output Mgmt


After upgrading to CA Dispatch release 11.6 or 11.7 clients are unable to use IEBGENER or other utilities outside of CA Dispatch, to extract archive reports to a sequential file or to a print file and view them in a readable format.

The report file generated by the IEBGENER is not in a readable format.

The problem occurs for clients who have NOT turned on the ICSF encryption functionality in CA Dispatch.

Is there a way to offload reports from CA Dispatch archive tapes and see them in a readable format outside of CA Dispatch?


Release: DISPAX00200-11.7-Dispatch


Due to the special formatting of the archival data created by the current releases of CA Dispatch, non-CA Dispatch provided utilities can no longer be used to offload archived reports and view them in a readable format.


in order to see the archived data in a readable format, the report data must be processed through the CA Dispatch EXTRACT subtask.