Automatically acknowledge an alarm in Spectrum OneClick when the alarm is e-mailed
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Automatically acknowledge an alarm in Spectrum OneClick when the alarm is e-mailed


Article ID: 110654


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Automatically acknowledge an alarm in Spectrum OneClick when the alarm is e-mailed


Release: Any
Component: SPCAEM


Spectrum does not have this functionality out-of-the-box to automatically acknowledge an alarm when e-mailed from OneClick

The alternative is, to ...

Use the functionality right-click "Assign" on alarm, to send out a Mail to a "Repair Person / Troubleshooter". To also acknowledge the alarm with the same task, use the UpdateScript of the Spectrum AlarmNotifier, as it is possible to send a (updatealarm) request to Spectrum for an Acknowledge of the alarm.

The reason for to use right-click "Assign", instead of right-click "Mail" on an alarm from the OneClick console is, right-click "Mail" will not trigger an alarm update in the Spectrum AlarmNotifier. Right-click "Assign" alarm is sending out an email and will also trigger the Spectrum Alarm Notifier - UpdateScript.

The following is an example on how to modify the $SPECROOT/Notifier/UpdateScript to acknowledge an alarm:

if [ "$REPAIRPERSON" != "" ] && [ "$ACKD" = "FALSE" ]
        $SPECROOT/Notifier/updatealarm $MHANDLE $AID 0x11f4d TRUE

This will run the "updatealarm" Application ($SPECROOT/Notifier directory) to send Spectrum an update on the current alarm, by setting the "Acknowledge" attribute to TRUE.
The alarm in the OneClick console should then be updated in the "Acknowledged" column for this alarm, showing then as "ticked".