How to create a Powershell Program Type and script
Article ID: 110237
Updated On:
CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)
A Windows Powershell Program Type is not included in Applications Manager by default. This article details the steps to create a basic Program Type and Program Type script to run Powershell Jobs.
Release: Component: APPMGR
1. Create 2 Program Type Scripts and place them in the %AW_HOME%\exec directory. The scripts should be as follows:
call %SQLOPER_HOME%\bin\oneline %SQLOPER_HOME%\run\%par% call %SQLOPER_HOME%\c\ntspawn "%SQLOPER_HOME%\exec\callps.bat" if not %errorlevel% == 0 set err=%errorlevel%
Parameter format and Program Type Name can be changed accordingly. More information on defining a Program Type can be found at the documentation linked below:
This completes the Program Type and Program Type script creation process. If a powershell script/Job is not readily available, the extra steps below details creating a simple test Powershell script to echo out 2 parameters.
3. Create a simple test Powershell script and place in the %AW_HOME%\exec directory. Below is a simple script to echos out 2 parameters:
echo $args[ 0 ] echo $args[ 1 ]
4. Create Job with 2 Character Prompts (Job Name, Agent, Queue, script name can change accordingly).
Below is an excerpt of a successful run of the Job.
C:\user_tests\HOST\AMAGENT\run>powershell -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy bypass -NoLogo -file C:\user_tests\HOST\AMAGENT\exec\test.ps1 Hello World Hello World No error file found. [C:\user_tests\HOST\AM9AGENT\run\doserr.205.00]end of C:\user_tests\HOST\AMAGENT\exec\BODY2.BAT status 0 err is:'0'