Unable to create an object in Clarity Studio or it takes a long time to create an Object
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Unable to create an object in Clarity Studio or it takes a long time to create an Object


Article ID: 110213


Updated On: 10-11-2023


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Creating custom objects in Clarity PPM is very slow, particularly when it is created as a subobject to the project object. 


Release: Any


  • Ensure the # of custom attributes for the master object it is associated with is within the recommended range.
  • To check the amounts, run the following (this is for object Project - replace the object as needed): 
    select count(*) from odf_custom_attributes where object_name ='project'
  • Anything above 100 can cause performance issues
  • Excerpt from documentation at: Broadcom Documentation - Studio Objects and Attributes

"The product supports up to 500 total attributes for each object. However, we recommend that you do not assign more than 100 attributes to a single custom object. A high number of attributes can result in performance issues and the potential failure of subsequent upgrades. Consider creating a subobject rather than assigning many custom attributes to a single object."

Additional Information

This also can cause Performance issues when Creating or Updating Attributes