How to export files from Gener/OL to a PDS or flat file
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How to export files from Gener/OL to a PDS or flat file


Article ID: 11019


Updated On: 11-11-2024




You are looking for sample JCL to export files from Gener/OL to a PDS or flat file


If you want to export programs, maps, etc. from Gener/OL to a PDS or a flat file, you can use the Print utility to 'print' the Gener/OL files to a sequential file outside of Gener/OL.

This technique involves modifying the PRINTER DD statement in the Print utility JCL to redirect the print output to the desired sequential file.

If you are not familiar with the Print utility, you will need to review the relevant sections of the Gener/OL Utilities Guide. The Print utility is described in the Migration Utility chapter.

Please read the following sections:

Use of the Migration Utility
Identification Syntax
Print Operation Syntax

Here is a sample job:

//userid   JOB (9999),'EXPORT PROGRAM', other jobcard parms          
//STEP1    EXEC PGM=SG#BMIG                                         
//STEPLIB  DD DSN=your.GENER/OL.loadlib,DISP=SHR                    
//TABLES   DD DSN=your.GENER/OL.loadlib,DISP=SHR                    
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                              
//SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=*                                              
//*  The next DD is the output file for the program, maps, etc. ****
//PRINTER  DD   DSN=hlq.your.output.file(prgmname),DISP=SHR         
//SGTLIBC  DD   DSN=your.xxxx.SGTLIBC,DISP=SHR         * Control           
//SGTLIB1  DD   DSN=your.xxxx.SGTLIB1,DISP=SHR         * User lib          
//SGTLIBU  DD   DSN=your.xxxx.SGTLIBU,DISP=SHR         * Utility lib       
//CARDOUT  DD   SYSOUT=B                                            
//CARDIN DD *,DCB=BLKSIZE=80                                        
I AM prod pswd ON SGTLIBU.                                          
   PRINT PROGRAM name OWNED BY xxx ON SGTLIB1;                      
   XREF LONG;                     
   other parms.                                                   