Change Spectrum install owner
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Change Spectrum install owner


Article ID: 110173


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


In some cases you may find that the user originally owned the Spectrum installation needs to change. Here are some tips to make the change. 


Release: Any Spectrum version


The BEST solution to change the Spectrum install owner is to completely uninstall Spectrum and Reinstall with the new user. This will ensure proper permissions on the newly re-created files. 

If a reinstall is not possible, there is some tips to edit and change some existing files to reflect the new install username. NOTE: These are TIPS and you may still have to double-check permissions and check the environment variables, system files, for any other permissions issues. 

1. Create the new OS user and add the user to the Spectrum Users Group.

2. Change the password used by processd on Windows as discussed in the "Change the Windows Password in Processd"  section of the documentation. This can not only be used to change the password but the user as well. Please reference the "How to register a new owner to the Spectrum process daemon on Windows" knowledge article for additional information.

3. Create a new user in the Spectrum database 

4. Update the initial_user_model_name parameter in the $SPECROOT/SS/.vnmrc file on the SpectroSERVER system to the new user and restart the SpectroSERVER process 

5. Update the OWNER parameter in the $SEPCROOT/installrc file on both the SpectroSERVER and OneClick systems 

6. Update adminUserName parameter in the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/META-INF/context.xml file on the OneClick and Report Manager systems and restart tomcat