Duplicate Ticket in Ca SDM for Same Alarm id
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Duplicate Ticket in Ca SDM for Same Alarm id


Article ID: 110140


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Getting duplicate ticket for same alarm in Ca Service desk
For same alarm id - Alarm id -YF83750680-59369 creating the two ticket in CA SDM 

1st ticket Apr 09 16:04:02:346---SD Ticket-7811790 CR NO -- YYYYY 

2nd ticket 16:04:17:249 --- SD ticket-7811793.. CR NO--xxxxx 


UIM 8.47 and later
Spectrumgtw 8.47 and later
sdgtw 1.40 and alter


 Please follow the below step  to delete the duplicate models in UIM & Spectrum . After delete the Model in Spectrum and UIM side it will Sync on the next UIM Sync.

 Please verify the cs_id  with select * from cm_computer_system where dedicated = 'xxxx'
  1. a. verify with select * from cm_device where cs_id = '<yyyy>'
    we see two or three entries with different device IDs.
    b. Delete the cs_id Delete from cm_device where cs_id = '<yyyy>

       2. Delete the model from Spectrum:-       
            a.Right click on the device and select the delete option.

Please wait for next discovery and will Sync on the next UIM Sync.