What do we do if Software Delivery jobs complete successfully on the Agent but the status remains Active in the DSM Explorer ?
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What do we do if Software Delivery jobs complete successfully on the Agent but the status remains Active in the DSM Explorer ?


Article ID: 11011


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


CA Client Automation by default uses a bulk update mechanism to transfer job status records from the Scalability server to the Domain Manager. A delta file is built on the Scalability server and transferred every 5 minutes (by default) to the Domain Manager.

It is possible that the Scalability server can send this delta file but an error on the Domain Manager prevents it from being processed thus the job statuses are not updated in the MDB or the DSM Explorer.

What do we do if Software Delivery jobs complete successfully on the Agent but the status remains Active in the DSM Explorer ?


Client Automation - All versions 


You can try running the following commands on the Scalability Servers.

  • Recreate the Delta file on the Scalability Server using the command:
    sd_sscmd synchronize

  • Force a new Bulk update using the command:
    sd_sscmd BulkUpdate


Send the Synchronize Software Job Records procedure in the CA DSM Scalability Server Software Delivery package.

That should resolve the issue.