Release & Iteration Burndown iteration headers overlap
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Release & Iteration Burndown iteration headers overlap


Article ID: 110107


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


The Release & Iteration Burndown app is showing overlapping iteration names in the header, how can this be fixed. 


Component: ACSAAS


There can be several reasons for the names to be overlapped as shown here.

- the iteration dates overlap on either the parent and/or child projects.
 Removing the scoping to child projects may correct the issue if the parent project has no overlapping iteration start and end dates and a child project does.

- If no overlapping iteration dates are found it may be caused by either having too many iterations in the release to fully display them correctly in the browser;
- or the iteration names are very long;
- or the iterations are very short in days and thus the names overlap;
- or the browser font size/resolution is causing the chart to be rendered in too small a window. 

Shrinking the font or expanding the size of the browser window can also fix this display problem.