z14 Compatibility with Pan/SQL 2.4C
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z14 Compatibility with Pan/SQL 2.4C


Article ID: 110090


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


For Pan/SQL 2.4C,  are there any PTFs needed in order to support and be compatible with z14?


PANSQL release 2.4C


For Pan/SQL 2.4C when upgrading to the z14 processor, please know that no additional maintenance and no special PTFs are required in order for these to be compatible.

Sites can log onto Support Online and find this information under the IBM zEnterprise Compatibility Matrix via this link:
    IBM zEnterprise Compatibility Matrix,
Then, please search by the Product Name:

This will also give you the information that Pan/SQL 2.4C is compatible and certified with the z14 processor: